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oferta wizualizacji 3d ogrodzeń

Visualization of the fence in the selected variant

Visualization of the fence helps to choose the right design, color to match the body of the building and the character of the property. We make visualizations based on the pre-selected fence design after consultation with our consultant.

Visualization of the fence with the house on the property

We are able to embed the building on the visualization inside the property. Visualization of the fence with the building is useful especially in the case of aluminum fences, where the gap between the slats of the infill we determine individually.

3D visualization brilliantly captures the view of the property through the fence allowing you to determine what gap will be appropriate.

wizualizacje ogrodzeń 2d lub 3d interaktywne
wizualizacja ogrodzenia w 3d
wizualziacja ogrodzenia w 3d z domem
wizualizacja ogrodzenia w 3d interaktywna

Interactive 3D visualization of the fence with the possibility of a walkthrough

Interactive visualization of the fence allows you to freely rotate, zoom in and change the view of the fence elements.

We are able to animate the operation of a sliding gate with a maximum approximation of real time. We also animate the opening of wickets.

Gallery of realized 3D visualizations of fences for our clients

Check out the visualizations of fences made for our clients. Before making 3D visualizations, we make a 2D fence projection/slice to determine the actual dimensions of the elements.

When you click on the gate, gate the elements will open.

2D fence visualization, projections and sections

2D visualization is the basic form of visualization for aluminum fences. It allows you to determine the gap between the slats, confirm the dimensions and roughly determine the color scheme of the fence.

The 2D projection helps in designing the fence in case of uneven terrain.

On the 2D fence design we plot the actual level of the terrain, to which we adjust the fence faults so that they look aesthetically pleasing.

wizualizace ogrodzeń 2d

Gallery of completed 2D fence visualizations for our clients

Examples of fence visualizations in the form of 2D projections and cross-sections. Making a 2D fence visualization helps to determine the faults of fence elements on sloping terrain.

The 2D design also helps to calculate the exact number of fence blocks to make the fence. This is especially helpful in the case of sloping terrain.

Quick changes to the 2D design make it easy to make changes to the bids. The design is an appendix to the contract.

Modern vertical aluminum fence

Manufacturer: Alfen

Design: R09

Color: RAL7016

Gaps between slats: 40mm

wizualizacja ogrodzenia r09 2D rzut
wizualizacja ogrodzenia r09 2D przekrój

N05 aluminum fence with architectural concrete foundation

Manufacturer: Alfen

Pattern: N05

Concrete elements: Wallblock

Color: RAL7016

Gaps between lamellas: 10mm

wizualizacja ogrodzenie aluminiowe z podmurówką, beton architektoniczny
wizualizacja ogrodzenie aluminiowe z podmurówką, beton architektoniczny przekrój

KONSPORT PS004 louvered fence

Manufacturer: KONSPORT

Pattern: PS004

Fence blocks: Roma Horizon Marago

Color: RAL7016

wizualizacja ogrodzenie żaluzjowe konsport ps004 rzut
wizualizacja ogrodzenie żaluzja konsport przekrój

Ridge fence "protruding from the ground" with KOST-BET blocks

Manufacturer: KONSPORT


Fence blocks: KOST-BET MEDIUM ME.10

Color: RAL7016

wizualizacja ogrodzenie grzbieniowe pionowe KONSPORT VERTICALE rzut
wizualizacja ogrodzenie pionowe konsport nowoczesne przekrój

Wiśniowski modern horizontal fence AW.10.104

Manufacturer: Wiśniowski

Design: AW.10.104

Fence blocks: Joniec Roma Horizon white

Color: RAL7016

wizualizacja ogrodzenie poziome wiśniowski aw.10.104 bloczki joniec gładkie rzut
wizualizacja ogrodzenie wiśniowski aw.10.104 z gładkimi bloczkami przekrój
zakup wizualizacji ogrodzenia 3D

How to get a visualization of the fence?

We provide fence visualizations as an additional service to the pre-made valuation of the selected fence model and layout.

We invite you to send us a model of a fence from the available products on our website or get inspiration from the gallery of realizations of fences made by us.

For the valuation and visualization, we also need a sketch with the dimensions of the fence with a marked gate, gate. The sketch can be made in handwritten form.

Sketch of the fence and links with inspiration can be sent to:

e-mail: biuro@olbud.info

phone: 58 351 29 40

Please include your phone number in the message.