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Online payments in our store are processed by: tpay.com

What is tpay? Tpay is full security of your online payments and a guarantee of fast online shopping! It has an extended license of the Financial Supervision Commission, which guarantees you the safety of your transactions. It was the first in Poland and one of the first in Europe to implement "Click and Pay with Visa", Google Pay, is the author of the One Click Widget and supports e-commerce in promoting BLIKA. The range of payment methods it offers facilitates the work of thousands of e-shops, and guarantees you a safe and convenient online shopping experience.

Logo Tpay

Payment by traditional transfer

We also offer the possibility to pay by traditional transfer. After selecting the payment method you will receive a message with your account number.
In order to speed up the processing of your order, please send a confirmation of the transfer to the e-mail: biuro@olbud.info.
Account number: 74833500030100231520000010
Bank address: BS Centrala, 83-000 Pruszcz Gdański, 2A Wita Stwosza St.