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pilot bft cool c4

Remote control for the gate- BFT COOL C4

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PLN68.45 netto

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Four-channel remote control for BFT drives.

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BFT COOL C4 remote control for automatic sliding, swing, barriers.

- transmitter with 4 channels
- range 50/100 m
- power supply 12 V by 1 battery type CR2032
- frequency 433 MHz


BFT transmitters use the Rolling Code (variable code) coding system.
Pressing the transmitter button sends a different code to the control panel each time, which can only be identified by the transmitter and accepted only once.
The generated algorithm makes it impossible to reproduce the code.

How to code, copy a remote control for a BFT drive?

Encode, copy the remote control for the BFT drive yourself according to the video instructions.


Data sheet

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