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Fencing of agricultural plot, piggery - regulations, subsidies, technical requirements, prices

Fencing of agricultural plot, piggery - regulations, subsidies, technical requirements, prices

Fencing in agriculture: regulations, subsidies and technical requirements

The fencing of an agricultural plot is an important part of a farm, providing not only property protection, but also fulfilling functions related to animal safety and regulations. In this article, we will look at various aspects of fencing in agriculture, with a special focus on fencing for piggeries. In our offer you will find products that meet the requirements of funding for piggery fencing against ASF.

Specifications and requirements for fencing an agricultural plot

Fencing of an agricultural plot, what to make of?

Fencing of an agricultural plot is most often made using 3D panel fencing. In addition, a concrete foundation is used under the panels to increase protection against undermining.

Fencing in the border of the plot - Regulations.

When planning a fence in the plot boundary, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the applicable regulations. Local regulations may specify the height, type of materials and other details of the fence in the plot boundary. Before making a fence, it is necessary to establish the plot boundary. A visit from a surveyor may be necessary for this purpose. A professional determination of the plot boundary will protect the investor from incurring the cost of moving the fence in the event of an inspection.

Subsidies for fences in agriculture

Farmers can take advantage of available subsidies for fencing their agricultural plots. Support programs often cover the cost of materials and the construction of the fence, with the aim of improving farm infrastructure.

Subsidies for piggery fencing 2023 - investment support.

Subsidy for piggery fencing 2023 is an initiative aimed at improving bioassurance and protecting herds from potential disease risks. The funding covers the cost of materials, as well as specialized solutions to protect against ASF.

Elements in line with the requirements of the funding for fencing

We offer fencing elements that comply with the requirements of the subsidy for fencing of piggery. Our products meet all technical norms and standards, allowing you to take advantage of available funds for the development of farm infrastructure. In our offer you will find fence panels and foundation that meet the requirements of the subsidy.

Technical requirements for agricultural fencing - subsidy

Minimum fence height, foundation - fencing requirements

Technical requirements for agricultural fencing include a minimum height for piggery fencing of 1.5 meters, the need for a concrete foundation or concrete edging to prevent undermining. These elements are key to ensuring the stability and durability of the fence, according to industry standards.

Installation of a piggery fence - How to perform correctly?

Performing the installation of the fence varies depending on the fencing system chosen. Panel fencing is the easiest to install. The first step in the installation of a panel fence is the foundation of the posts, setting the concrete foundation. Then the fence panels are installed between the posts using the appropriate clamps.

Comprehensive installation - panel fencing of piggeries

We offer panel fencing with comprehensive installation services. We have our own installation crews and professional tools including excavators, drill rigs, our own aggregates. Advanced machinery allows us to efficiently install large quantities of fencing in a short period of time.

Summary: safety and compliance

Fencing an agricultural plot is not only a physical barrier, but also a key element of safety and compliance. Subsidies available to farmers provide support for investment, and technical requirements ensure the soundness and durability of the structure. Investing in a proper fence is a step toward securing property, animals and contributing to agricultural bioassurance.

Favorable subsidies help finance the construction of a solid fence, fulfilling the function of securing the property for years.

Fencing a plot of land, piggery - prices, cost of making a fence for a piggery.

Check out the panel fences available in our offer, which will work well as a fence for cattle sheds. Panel fences and foundations from our offer meet the requirements of the fence subsidy.